Tube preamp for SS amp

6922, 6H30 or 6SN7 decisions decisions. What sounds good to me might not sound so good to somebody else....I get it, but is there a tube preamp/solid state amp that is not a good match sonically (running a pass labs x250.5 and bryston 4bsst2). I can drive 2hrs and audition some ACR equipment however that's it. Everything else would be purchased out of state and most places will have to special order something else in (ie modwright ls100, cj ET3SE, audible illusions...) and will only take the equipment back for store credit.
You make some valid points, I made it clear to chad my description of the
various tube characteristics were "general" . Of course the
option to hear a component in your system is by far the preferred way to
proceed, this isn't possible in many cases. Gathering information from
those with some actual experience does help establish a data base and is

I have four components in my system that were purchased without any
prior listening. I used reviews and perhaps even more importantly (to me)
input from owners on this site and other forums, results exceeded my high
expectations I'm happy to say.

There simply wasn't a way for me to hear these components in my system
without buying them, that was the reality. I know I'm not the only one who
has had to do it this way either. You have to begin the quest somewhere.
From my own experience, it is an absolute requirement that the specific tube linestage be tried with the specific solid state amplifier. Even with supposedly compatible impdedances and short cable runs, etc., the result of going from tube into solid state is quite unpredictable (most often in a bad way), than any other combination; I would be much more confident predicting the result of solid state feeding tube than the other way around. I am certainly NOT saying that tube feeding solid state doesn't work well, but, the combination must be tried first.

From a practical standpoint, you should also look for a tube linestage that can be completely muted while it is warming up or one that does not emit ANY noise when turned on and warming up, or the solid state amp must have a mute circuit. I have found that solid state amps sound their best when left on all the time or at least warmed up for a very substantial amount of time. Tube gear, on the other hand, warms up faster and really should not be left on all the time. That means that the tube linestage has to be turned on AFTER the amp--any startup noise could be nasty and potentially harmful to the speakers.

For what personal preferences are worth, I generally like linestages with 6SN7 tubes. There is a HUGE variety of these tubes so it is possible to tailor the sound of a linestage by choice of specific brand/vintage/model of tube. I haven't heard a 6H30 linestage I really liked (sounds lean and brittle to me). On the exotic side, I like linestages that use 310 tube -- warm, great midrange presence, but a little rolled off on top.
I totally agree....what looks good on paper might on the other hand be the worst combination that could be put together (sonically) least for a given system. I spend countless hours reading and researching (I enjoy this by the way) but in the end it's all guess work. I think my overall problem is that I don't know what I'm after in sound quality. Yeah it needs to sound good but what does that really mean. I could have a half a dozen preamps both SS and tube with each one having their own characteristics that rise above the others. Maybe that's why we audiophiles tend to keep searching for we ever achieve "the one preamp" or is it just perception based on what we make ourselves believe is the one.
I've had many many tube pre and SS amp and agree with Kyomi_audio that output impedance is an important aspect to consider in a tube preamp.

You definitely have more tube rolling options with 6sn7 and 6922/e88cc but not all 6h30 situations sound like SS. My only 6h30 experience is with MW Transporter. I found the Reflektor NOS 6h30-dr was the best sounding 9 pin signal tube in the Transporter. It had the best of SS and tube properties.

One of the beauty of a tube pre is tube rolling so personally I prefer a 6922/e88cc or 6sn7 pre but try to demo with your SS amp if possible before purchase.

I wasn't finding fault with you in any way. Sometimes I can be a bit direct in how I word things. I kind of know what I'm doing now, but it was a long and expensive journey to get here. I've made just about every mistake an audiophile can make (several times in many cases). That's why I'm so direct. I'm really good at hearing the train coming off in the distance.