I'll throw in a vote for the Peachtree Grand Integrated. These retail for $4499, but Peachtree is selling refurbs (units that came back for the X-1 module modification and customers were given brand new units rather than wait for the mod - you can read about it on their website) for $2999. So that just barely makes your cutoff. They have a built-in ESS9018 DAC, tube buffer which can be turned off if it's not your thing, and 440 wpc of Class-D power. Unless your living room is the size of the Beacon Theater, it may be the last Integrated, power-wise, that you'll ever have to buy. What surprised me most was the build quality - it's very solid and feels like every penny of their $4499 asking price. I couldn't have afforded one at $4499, but at $2999 it fit my budget and you can't tell mine is a refurb - it arrived looking flawless. I use it to power a set of B&W PM1 and it's a wonderful combination - not bright, or harsh, very warm and sweet. Lots of great choices for $3K, I bet you end up with something great, good luck and enjoy the music.