Need a warm amp for bright speakers

So when I bought my system some time ago I made some mistakes being this the first time I ever ventured out doing this. I bought Paradigm Monitor 9 v5 and a Pioneer VSX21TXH. Surrounding speakers aer all Monitors backs are Titan v5 and center is a 290 I believe v6. The SVS kills though. The fronts do get very bright when pushed especially with metal that I listen to and it is VERY BRIGHT. Without redoing my whole system is there a way I can tame this problem? Use my Pioneer for maybe center and rears and processing and a dedicated amp for the fornts? If so what should I shoot for? I hear NAD is a good warm amp. I don't want to sell or get rid of the Paradigms because getting all new speakers would be far costlier than a dedicated amp. However I am a little skeptical that I can solve this with just and amp. All ears open for a relative newbie.
Mechans, as I posted above, the OP's problem may very well be the speakers. But in sorting through the issue, he has to start somewhere.

The reason I suggested he start with the amp is because it might be more convenient to move around a SS amp than the speakers. Further, rather than jump into another purchase, I would try to borrow an amp from a friend or a dealer and give it a try.

As I have come to appreciate based upon personal experience and reading about the experiences of others, "upgrade-itis" can be a daunting chronic neurosis. I'm just trying to save a "newbie" from this obsession by keeping it simple.
I am also a newbie but will share my limited experience. I had a brightness issue with my 2 channel setup. Put lessloss power cables on my DAC, computer and USB device and tamed the brightness quite a bit. My new Musical Fidelity M6PRX is on the warm side for a SS amp. I will be selling my NAD C275BEE here on Agon soon, also a good amp.
I fixed a similar problem (2 channel) by changing the source from various CD players to a dedicated laptop server and a NOS DAC from AudioGD. This allowed me to remove a digital EQ from the chain which was lopping off from 2 to 3db from various parts of the high band.. so if you can borrow some different warmer DAC's to try you may be surprised.
You want to tone that high end down?? Get a tube amplifier.

Less odd ordered harmonics => smoother, not as bright.
Oh my goodness, are you confused about what to do yet?

I have been in the hobby for 2 years. In that time, I started with Paradigm Mini Monitors V.6 (loved them!!), went to Studio 10's, 20's,60's,back to 20's (all V.5) then 40's (V.4), so I know that paradigm sound quite well. I ran them with an integrated Onkyo, an Adcom 545mkII, and then a Classe CA-150. I used the Onkyo as a pre amp with the adcom, then a Classe ssp-25 with the adcom, then the Classe ssp-25 with a classe ca-150, then a lightspeed attenuator with the classe ca-150. I also used different cables along the way.

Guess what. All the different set-ups sounded too bright.

I love Paradigms build quality and looks, but sound...not so sure.

The monitor series v5 and v6 are better than v7 imho. V7 is the first version I am aware of that is built in china. Look at the difference in cabinet construction and driver quality between v6 and v7.

Sooooo, how do you fix the problem? Not quite sure. I'd start with taking a kleenex or piece of toilet paper, fold it up into a nice square and layer it over your tweeter. Just tape itaround the face plate carefully, and don't push in your tweeters :-) this is free, easy to do, and you already have the matrrials.

Next, I would try changing the crossovers in just your front right and left main speakers. Call madisound and tell them you want to tame the highs. I think you could ugrade the sound acrss the board AND tame the highs, with cap upgrades on the crossover. You probably looking at $200 this route.

Another option would be to try a tube amp.

Another option, possibly the best and most "for sure" way of fixing the problem would be to sell your speakers (if you have the packing materials and boxes, thats a plus) and go with something more laid back. I had good results with Sinclaire Audio (budget speakers, made in china, but sound good), Kef qx5's, and Vandersteen 2ci speakers. All have good bass, aren't nearly as hot in the highs, and can rock the house, so to speak.

I think if you go chasing cables, amps, pre amps, you are just putting band aids on the real issue, which are your speakers. Change the crossovers in the speakers or sell them and buy different ones...