Bias for Jolida 502 P Amplifier

Just got my new Jolida 502 P yesterday and I'm enjoying it a lot - great sound! (Thanks Wolf and Jedinite for your posts re the Jolida amps) I'm surprised at the amount of bass and slam I'm getting with my Magneplanar 1.7's In fact I'm thinking that for a lot of music I probably won't even turn on my HSU sub.

On setting the bias - how important are small variations? When I got the amp I checked with my multimeter and the amp was set at about 560 mv for all tubes. Moved the bias back to 500 mv per the manual but I'm not sure if it really matters all that much for these small changes? How critical is this?
Thanks guys. I've doing the adjustments after waiting about 10 minutes for the amp to warm up. (The manual says wait 5 minutes) but I think Bombaywalla's suggestion of waiting 30-45 minutes makes sense as the amp continues to warm up quite a bit over that time frame. But right now it's sounding wonderful so I think I'll just listen and smile...
FYI-upgraded tubes will yield significant improvements. I went to KT88's with great results.
Thanks for the info Tbromgard. Which brand KT88's did you prefer and what improvements did you notice?
I went with a KT88 Gold Lion tube package specific for the 502 by Upscale Audio in CA. Cant rec it highly enuff Check out the website - they ship. Improvements across every aspect of performance.
Do Gold Lion KT88s sound better than KT120s in a 502? I think they LOOK better for sure, but I've been putting off buying a set.