Kora Amp and Preamp Repair

I used to like now-defunct Kora equipment from France. But their reliability and serviceability are disastrous. My prior Kora Eclipse preamp got a lose wire during transit and fried the tranny upon arrival ($650 repair for a $1100 preamp). Meanwhile, the Galaxy Reference amp just wouldn't bias, kept blowing fuses and overheating. After $1100 repair bill with the Kora 'expert' in Virginia for this $1700 amp, I ended up hammering that amp to death. The repair shop in Brooklyn (who is authorized service center for numerous big name audio equipments) didn't have much luck with Kora neither.

But when they work, they sound glorious.

I am seeing listing on Kora Eclipse preamp and the Kora Cosmos Monoblocks. Somewhat interested but do not want to get burn again.

Does anybody know any reputable repair shop in mid-Atlantic states (PA/DE/NJ or even NY) that could service those if needed? They must have repair Kora successfully before (not some patch job that works only for a few months)

Thanks in advance
Better yet spend $20 on a custom T-Shirt that reads:

Beat me up
Take me home
& call me Peggy.
You must be a glutton for punishment. Let us know how it ends this time, by hammer or drop from a great height.
I'd have to be asking myself if there isn't some inherent fundamental design flaw that is causing the problems. I've read interviews with more than one designer/engineer that feels there are any number of poorly executed amp designs that are fundamentally flawed and subject to constant failure.