Coincident vs Lamm

I currently own the Coincident, Frankenstein, 300b monoblock amps. In my system, they are by far the best I have ever heard and I've heard quite a few. I think once you live with a set amp of this caliber, you won't go back.
A friend has offered to sell me his Lamm 2.2 set amps at a really great price but I'd probably have to sell the Franks to do the deal. I have not heard the Lamm set amps so I really don't know how they compare. Does anyone here have experience with these amps?
Hi Dkarmeli,
Transparency and nuance are a Frankenstein strength, but Markus owns this amp and knows its attributes. You and I know listening to both and comparing is the best, otherwise opinions can be traded endlessly.
Charles, no I have not heard the Lamm’s with the TE. My friend runs his Lamm 2.1 with Verity Audio Lohengrin IIS speakers. He also has a pair of Tenor Audio amps. He is the same guy who just bought the Wyetech Ruby STD which I will hear this coming weekend.
Hi Brf,
Let me know what you think of the highly thought of Wyetech Ruby, you can post on my system thread if you'd like.
I've heard the Lamm ML3 several times but haven't heard the ML2.2 amp.
Lamm makes the best SET amps on the planet. I have long wanted a set, but could never afford them. They are in a league of their own. I heard them on Merlin VSM speakers and that speaker has never, never sounded as good as they did with these Lamm amps. I've owned the VSM three times and could never get them to sound like they did with those Lamm SET amps. Oh my!
No amplifier is in a class of its own ( hyperbole )even though it may be fantastic. Owners of Audion, Tron, Absolare, Zanden, Kondo, Wavelength etc. Could legitimately claim the same.
I accept that there are truly wonderful SET choices in the marketplace and everyone has their favorites. I just hope Markus can listen to the Lamm he's considering, sounds like fun to me.