opinions on mcintosh 275 V

I have the opportunity to pick up a McIntosh 275. The price is reasonable based on what i have seen listed on the agon amps section. This will be my first Tube amp. I have been looking for a tube amp to set up a dedicated stereo with my Vintage Klipschorns. I recognize i will also need to get a preamp for this. I am interested what folks think about the unit and what Preamps are recommended to match with this. My primary feed will be a maplenoll apollo fitted with a UniVerse cartridge.
I had it pair with Eastern Electric Minimax preamp and they sound great! I used Black Treasures KT88 and Telefunken 12ax7 on v1 position.
The 275 is an ideal match for the Klipschorns. I'd suggest a newer Mc tube preamp to complete the sound. C2300 is superb and has both MM & MC inputs. C220 is more budget-friendly and C2500 adds DAC capability. You wouldn't go wrong with any of them. Good luck & happy listening!