Coincident Statement RC Preamp

I noticed at Coincident's website they have a remote control version of the Statement Preamp.

They say there is a sonic compromise compared to the non rc Statement .

Has anyone listened to it ?

Has anyone listened to both ?

I have Total Victory IV speakers and Frank's 330b amps .
I will update my current preamp ( Supratek Cortese )within 6 months and Coincident products have never disappointed me.

Any input is appreciated.


Australian member Pap went from the Supratek to the CSL, send him an
email I'm sure he would be of much help. I thought you were using a
Wavelength amplifier? Can't go wrong either way.
Hello Charles,

Yes , I also have a Wavelength 300b .

They are different but both are enjoyable.

I am currently using the Frank's , It's amazing how powerful 8 watts can sound.
When I get my income tax return I am thinking of getting Emission Lads 300b xls for the Frank's. I am currently using Treasure 300b's.

Thank you for the info on member Pap , I will ask him about his upgrade.

I also need info for a phono stage but that is later.

Hi Bill,
I used the Black Treasures for 2 1/2 years and enjoyed them. The EML XLS is a better 300b across the board in my opinion. It mates beautifully with the Frankenstein, tone, drive, dynamics and overall authority noticeably improve.
Hello Bill,
I saw your post before it had any responses and would have recommended the CSL as the obvious choice, which I still would. Having a good idea that Charles would answer soon enough and with backed experience, I held off.
I have a purist's approach to my system, so remotes are a luxury, plus I like to grope and fondle the pretty knobs:) I have the Wavelength Cardinal XS (paired with Doshi Alaap) which are neck and neck with the Franks, as you know. I use Sophia RP's simply because I got a great deal on a barely used quad set.
Otherwise, EML XLS would be where I'd certainly go.
What ever gave you the idea I'd respond to a thread regarding Coincident ? Lol.