What gear do Audio manufacturers use at home?

I'm very curious to know what kind of gear do Audio designers use as their personal system.

As an example, does anyone know what Mr Richard Vandersteen, Steve McCormack, Yves Bernard Andre, etc use as their personal system. Builders like Tyler accoustics, JM Labs, Martin Logan don't make CDP or Amps. The same applies for Cardas, Lieder, Siltech, etc... The owners or designers must be using some other brands.

The following is hearsay from manufacturers or their pals...
Y B Andre PURPORTEDLY uses a 1-six pre (with premium parts) & passion monos --- just to make sure matching b/ween the two lines is good enough. Supposedly he has used S-Faber, ribbon (which?), A-Physic & JM lab speakers... Cdp is his own big model.
R Gemein (Symphonic-Line) supposedly uses his own TT/ S-Line spec V. den Hull cartridge, his own ref cdp, Kraft 250A mono, on his own next to top of range speakers.
Ioacheim (sp?) of A-Physics once used (again, supposedly) Medea speakers with S-Line Kraft 400, modified S-Line pre/CAT pre, don't remember sources mentioned (if they were!)
CAT uses his own amplification (of course) and supposedly S.Yorke Zarathustra/VPI TTs, and Kraft 250A amps for ss. Speakers not mentioned.
For what rumour & gossip is worth... Cheers!
Gilbert Yeung of Blue Circle uses his own gear powering a pair of Martin Logan CLS IIz. Here is a picture of it:
Ok, this comes from David Wilson at a dealer party in Dallas a few months ago. In one room he was using Audio Research Ref pre and amps. Another room Mcintosh. Another room Nagra pre and amp. He has 8 rooms in his house with systems. He was also very high on Transparent Cables.

David also mentioned that his nat'l sales mgr is using VTL for very good sound...
I'm pretty sure that Dr Amar G. Bose is running a wave radio with an external feed to a pair of 901's. He recently stated that this is the most life-like system that he has ever heard : ) Sean
Go to this link for the equipment Gayle Sanders at Martin Logan uses.
