What amplifier do you use for your Dahlquist DQ10s

I have an Adcom GFA555 currently but am looking to upgrade to a better sounding amplifier. I've been considering Aragon 4004/8008 (Mondial not Klipsch manufactured), Counterpoint SA20 or SA220 (but have heard a lot about reliability issues with Counterpoint), but I'm looking for other ideas. I like the Rogue Audio m150/180 mono blocked but don't want to spend that much. I am using a Rogue Audio Perseus preamp that I would like to keep in my system. Any suggestions or comments are greatly appreciated.
DQ-10's love big solid state amps and good tube amps. If I had a pair and a Perseus I would absolutely go for a Rogue Atlas Magnum. Ask Mark about putting KT150's in it.

Most of the solid state stuff people are recommending here would be 'meh' with DQ-10's.
I would love to pair them with Rogue M180 mono blocks. I have ultimately ended up buying an Aragon 4004 Mark II.
Bet the 4004 does a very good job.
Always thought it was a great amp and not just for the $$.