What is going on

The prices that sellers are asking for speakers and equipment is stupid.. What is going on?.. Is there no shame? 5 year old equipment and the asking price is 250.00 less than new retail price.. This can't just be me... Why buy used?.. I don't get it..
Agree with above comments. Though I have recently noticed many more items at much higher prices, often from new sellers...
Some on Audiogon are listing prices that aren't true. A Parasound A-21 with a list price of $2500 new, when the actual price new is $2300(April 1st it will increase to $2500). I have always sold equipment at a great price and don't understand the need to lie about the list price of an item. The sad truth is, if you do a little research you can get new items cheaper or for close to the asking price of some of the gear on Audiogon.
No doubt there are those out there who view Audiogon and audiophiles who frequent the site as the place most likely to get top dollar for whatever it is they might be selling, especially if the useless "high end" label can be applied, and less commonly found on the open market where pricing tends to take care of itself best.

If fair and reliable pricing of safer and more common products is the goal, one is much better of in general dealing with ebay auctions, where there is a larger and demographically broader group of consumers that help to establish value of used gear over time.

I have used both as a buyer to good effect. Ebay only as a seller so far and I have found that works out well in most cases if done right.
I've bought and sold stuff for years...I have come out ahead on most things and that's fun. I've also not made anything on some stuff, which is less fun but part of the world in which we live. As is whining, apparently.
I must be doing something very wrong. I've lost tens of thousands of dollars selling beautiful, almost new, kit for, generally, around 50-60 % of retail. No matter how new, or how "low hours", I usually get killed on what I re-coup. So, some peeps are actually making money selling used? Did not know that.