What is going on

The prices that sellers are asking for speakers and equipment is stupid.. What is going on?.. Is there no shame? 5 year old equipment and the asking price is 250.00 less than new retail price.. This can't just be me... Why buy used?.. I don't get it..
I believe that a lot of the high asking prices are from newbies that have an inflated perceived value of their items. It's almost comical to see similar items in similar condition being sold simultaneously from different sellers with wildly differing asking prices.
The status quo is demo gear >33% off retail and used gear >50% off. There are always exceptions when regarding supply/demand.
Just start a Lowballer section on here, where a fair, reasonable or intelligent offer will be ignored. # 10 condition and higher only please.

Polk432, when an email offer is received, all you need is an option to click on, "Lowballer" and the sender receives this reply.
Don't know where you are getting your numbers, but IMO most of what really sells goes for about 50-60% of original MSRP. That's what I expect to pay, maybe a bit more if it's near new and vary much in demand, but otherwise 50%. I have bought and sold quite a lot of gear at that price!