Ssssh, is your tube preamp really that quiet?

Does anyone own, or know of, a tube preamp that is TRULY QUIET even when the volume is turned up? On my CAT tube preamp, there is always a certain amount of tube rush when the volume is up. This doesn't really bother me as it is not really audible when music is playing, BUT I'm sure the sound could be better IF this wasn't the case. Anyone have a totally quiet tube preamp?? No ssssh whatsoever!
With 106db single driver speakers and 10 watt set amps at normal listening levels with no music playing, I hear not the slightest peep with my ear one inch away.
Preamp is Doshi Alaap.
I imagine tube choice may be a slight factor.
Not the slightest sound with ear at the tweeters and rather loud volume setting with my DeHavilland Ultraverve & fairly efficient Tidal Piano Ceras.
101 db Zu Definition 4 with an Art Audio dm VPS tube pre amp and Art Audio Carissa 16 watt SET tube amp- not a hint of noise at full volume, ear at tweeter, with no music playing.
I suspect tubes? As mentioned above, try rolling your pre amps tubes. I have had noise in the past but corrected this by simply removing a noisy tube.
ARC sp16 is very quiet when all tubes are working well. One might be hard pressed to know it is a tube device just listening. Surprises me in that regard all the time.

Phono section is a tougher beast to keep quiet, but it is not a problem with the right especially quiet tube in slot 1.