What was your first 'hi-end' system?

Late 1980's-

Magnepan SMGa
Adcom GFA-545
Adcom GTP-500II
Thorens TD-166 Mk. IV
Shure V15 Type 5 MR
Technics CD player, model unknown

Within 3 years that morphed into the following

Magnepan MG2.6R
Bryston 4B
Bryston .5B
Rega Planar 3
Linn K9
Cal Icon

I had two systems at around the same time, circa 1973-74. Both used a Panny SP 10 table, an Audio-Technica arm, and a variety of cartridges. (I still have the turntable though I haven't used it in decades.)
The 'solid state' system used a Quintessence preamp (anybody remember those?) and the original Phase Linear 700 amp, with double Advents. That lot got sold shortly after the 'tube' system made its entrance.
The 'tube' system used an ARC SP 3-a-1 preamp, an ARC Dual 75a amp (which I still own!) and a pair of original Quad ESLs (which I also still own). I stayed with variations of this system for many, many years, replacing the turntable, preamps, amps, adding woofers, ribbon tweeters and eventually upgrading to the Crosby Quads (still have those too, along with the Decca ribbons). None of the Quads or older tube amps are in active service, but I still have them, along with a pair of vintage Quad II amps.
Late 70's in college
Marantz 1060 Integrated
Garrard Zero 100 Table with Shure cart
Large Advents
@Dpatterson, in the 70's I had almost the same system ... except TT (don't remember cart). That was some great sound!
This will give away my age. While in college in 1966 I built ST-70, PAS-3, and FM-3 Dynakits, to go with AR-4 speakers and a Dual 1009 w/ Empire cartridge. That system might be MOR today but at that time it was not far below Macs and Marantz.

Actually I expect with appropriate maintenance and new tubes it would still be quite musically satisfying today.
@Dpatterson, a friend of mine had the 1060 with a pair of large Advents that sounded great! I loved that little blue light on the 1060. I eventually ended up owning about a dozen of the '70's Marantz units over the years. Tuners, receivers, amps, loved them all. Still have a 2252 receiver in my basement system where I switch out various speakers...JBL 166's, large Advents, Wharfdales, Cerwin Vegas...still like the vintage sound.