I had two systems at around the same time, circa 1973-74. Both used a Panny SP 10 table, an Audio-Technica arm, and a variety of cartridges. (I still have the turntable though I haven't used it in decades.)
The 'solid state' system used a Quintessence preamp (anybody remember those?) and the original Phase Linear 700 amp, with double Advents. That lot got sold shortly after the 'tube' system made its entrance.
The 'tube' system used an ARC SP 3-a-1 preamp, an ARC Dual 75a amp (which I still own!) and a pair of original Quad ESLs (which I also still own). I stayed with variations of this system for many, many years, replacing the turntable, preamps, amps, adding woofers, ribbon tweeters and eventually upgrading to the Crosby Quads (still have those too, along with the Decca ribbons). None of the Quads or older tube amps are in active service, but I still have them, along with a pair of vintage Quad II amps.
The 'solid state' system used a Quintessence preamp (anybody remember those?) and the original Phase Linear 700 amp, with double Advents. That lot got sold shortly after the 'tube' system made its entrance.
The 'tube' system used an ARC SP 3-a-1 preamp, an ARC Dual 75a amp (which I still own!) and a pair of original Quad ESLs (which I also still own). I stayed with variations of this system for many, many years, replacing the turntable, preamps, amps, adding woofers, ribbon tweeters and eventually upgrading to the Crosby Quads (still have those too, along with the Decca ribbons). None of the Quads or older tube amps are in active service, but I still have them, along with a pair of vintage Quad II amps.