$8000 budget on Pre-amp

looking for opinions on a pre-amp to mate with pass labs XA60.5 & Vienna Acoustics Mahler speakers. I have a budget of $8000 give or take $500.

Thank you in advance
Does anyone know the real story of the DUDE preamp, It looks like the way to go but a little leery after reading about it on audio shark ?
There's a new Shindo pre in that range, and a Shindo Massetto can be had used if you get lucky.
How about a TRON Seven - either line-stage or the pre-amp with on board phono? Great boutique British tube pre-amp with impeccable build and excellent SQ.
The top VAC preamps can be had for around $8K used, without the built-in phono stage. I love my Phi Beta.

I also think the Music First passive drubin mentions is phenomenal--liquid, detailed, dynamic, harmonically full--really does it all. A comparison to my VAC was a toss up in my system, and the MF is quite a bit less money--with no tubes to futz with. Not sure how it would mate with Pass amps but it was outstanding with Bryston 28B-SST2.
I'm a big Ayre fan....(totally Ayred out). Excellent customer service, battleship construction, and fabulous sound. Of coarse, all components have to be tried in your system for interaction pluses and minuses.....what fun