oppo's volume control

Any Oppo owners out there who have tried routing them directly to a power amp using their volume controls instead of a separate preamp or integrated? Would like to know how that has worked for those who have tried it.
thanks for that, everyone has their preferences but what I don't get are those who insist that theirs are right and any other is wrong. But I agree, to each their own.
Runnin, I have found that there are many nice people on this site with much experience and information to share. Unfortunately you also have a few "know it alls" as well.Best solution is trust what you hear.
I think whatever the Rega Orisis does in direct mode badly inhibits the sound-it really doesn't sound right.

Of course this is an integrated amplifier so it is probably not comparable to what might happen directly to a power amp.
Just an update on the clicks I was experiencing several months ago when using the 103 direct to amp. I was doing some reading on firmware updates for the unit since a new update was just released on the weekend.

Oppo addressed the issue in a previous update, but since I hadn't been using the 7.1 outputs I was not aware of the fix. It seems Oppo really stays on top of things!