oppo's volume control

Any Oppo owners out there who have tried routing them directly to a power amp using their volume controls instead of a separate preamp or integrated? Would like to know how that has worked for those who have tried it.
Runnin, I have found that there are many nice people on this site with much experience and information to share. Unfortunately you also have a few "know it alls" as well.Best solution is trust what you hear.
I think whatever the Rega Orisis does in direct mode badly inhibits the sound-it really doesn't sound right.

Of course this is an integrated amplifier so it is probably not comparable to what might happen directly to a power amp.
Just an update on the clicks I was experiencing several months ago when using the 103 direct to amp. I was doing some reading on firmware updates for the unit since a new update was just released on the weekend.

Oppo addressed the issue in a previous update, but since I hadn't been using the 7.1 outputs I was not aware of the fix. It seems Oppo really stays on top of things!
Just an update on optimising my system. My Rega went back for a minor repair-a known fault on the On switch-it was jammed in-now back and fine.

The combination of the Proac's and the Osiris is quite potent-it can get loud very quickly with the Oppo set at 100 on the volume output. The Osiris has a passive pre.

Using the variable option I found an output of around 75-80 on the Oppo gave me great sound in my set up with a bit of leverage on the amp control too-the fine notches on the Oppo can adjust the volume very nicely.

I asked on the AVS Forum about any negative effect in doing this-one poster suggested that below a 75 output the noise floor is increased but it is not particularly noticeable-from 75-100 he said it has no effect. Not sure how accurate that is.

But going direct from the Oppo into the direct option on the Osiris even with attenuators you can not even get close to 75-so possibly that has had an impact on the noticeably inferior sound I hear.

I don't know how accurate this might be-it would be interesting to hear what output setting those using the Oppo direct in a power amp are using.