Care to recommend a preamp?

I am looking for my next preamp (likely used) - must be all tube and come with a top notch phono section as vinyl is my source of choice. Ideally it would also have a remote. I plan to spend somewhere in the $2k-$3.5k and am currently considering a Supratek Chenin, and a Cary SLP-98, though perhaps I would consider Thor or McIntosh. Currently, I pair a Conrad Johnson PV-5 with a CJ 2200 SS power amp. My tt is an old Oracle with a Dynavector high output MC and I occasionally play tapes using a Revox A-77. Speakers are Maggies with an Infinity SW.

Anyone care to weigh in with suggestions?
Doge 8 Clarity. Make sure it's the Clarity version.
Has remote, great sound, great phono section. Must replace tubes with good NOS stuff to get best sound.
This preamp easily bettered all of my previous tube preamps - VTL 2.5, Bill Baker modded Ming Da, TAD 150 Signature, Audibile Illusions Modulus 3. Really hard to exceed this performance for the price. The Clarity version has a true tube phono section and accommodates MC carts or MM carts.
When I replaced my VK 31SE with the MP 3 the veil was lifted. My Soundlabs A 3's opened up. I had a pair of VK 55's paired with the atma-sphere. I suppose, synergy comes into play ..... Once again, many updates have been instituted since the 31 was introduced. The MP 3 remains an Editors Choice.
The CAT volume control is just plain wrong. It's way too course (I believe each click on the volume is 3db). It's too bad, as the CAT preamp is a very good sounding preamp (I used to own one). With this preamp, on too many recordings, the volume will either be too low, or too high. The best analogy I can come up with is you can drive 60 mph or 80mph, there's no in between.
As far as your original question, take a listen to an Audible Illusions. I think it's great.