Dan D'agostino Momentum Integrated amp

Anyone had a chance to listen to Dan D'agostino momentum integrated amplifier ?
Please feel free to leave your comments.
My speakers are Thiel CS 3.7
I recently purchased Dan's integrated which replaces a Stone Age (but still very viable) Jeff Rowland 8T and BAT VK-51SE. I have heard Dan's separates, but I can't fairly make a comparison since the rooms and associated equipment were vastly different. For lovers of "industrial art" the D'Agostino products are gallery worthy. When I purchased mine, I jokingly said I would love to buy the guts of the device wrapped in Aluminum foil for half the price. But, true confession, it really is a pleasure to use such a well-machined product. Every dial, knob, button is precision crafted.

As for the SQ, I can't rank it with other topflight comps since my audition conditions/ associated equipment have been different. I will say this- no buyer's remorse! I was a self-professed tube lover. With Dan's integrated I don't miss them. I bet most blindfolded listeners would not be able to tell if it is SS or tube-based; it provides the best of both without the stereotypical features of either. Playback is effortless with my somewhat-demanding Rockport Aviors. I'll skip the reviewer-style specifics. This is a topflight machine! Are there better ones out there? Probably. But as impossible/impractical as it is for any of us to compare all of our product candidates- in our own listening room with our own associated equipment is- it's hard to imagine missing anything while enjoying this one. Gotta go, back to the music! With no vested interest- the D'Agostino is amazing.
My tastes lean towards tubes, but at RMAF this integrated driving the Wilson Duet II monitors was one of my favorite rooms of all. The sound was simply sublime.
David99, we ALL know its not a linear relationship. You know this, I know this, all know this. This non-linear relationship holds true in most things we can purchase. But you know this already.
Having heard the Pre and power amp with wilson Alexia at a small local show, I can imagine how good the Momentum integrated is. That demo was absolutely the best sound I have ever heard, lightening fast but no trace of edge, massive soundstage, well layered and pinpoint imaging. Close your eyes and it sounded like the best tube system you have ever heard, in a good way.

I can imagine the integrated is not far behind, with a difference, I probably could'nt detect anyway.

If you can't afford it and who can, who is'nt a Hedge Fund Manager, I heard a similar sound to the D'Agostino separates, in the same room, with the same speakers, with the Dartzeel integrated. That is a much more managable price, at least second hand, for me. Not as good of course, but the same detailed but liquid sound.