Any thoughts on removing a preamp from your system

Hello guys

This is my first post and I have been on Audiogon for a number of years now.

My question to the group is, have any of you removed your preamp completely from your system? Run your front ends straight to your amp? And, what benefits have you noticed, if any.

And finally, if you have used a passive preamp in your system, what are your thoughts on the setup?

I understand one would need to have some sort of "pot" in the signal path to regulate volume.

06-04-14: Mapman
YEs, but the question is, why?

I can see how the proper eletronic mating might be trickier with a passive, but I cant see a disadvantage if done right

I can't see sound waves either, yet they are there. My ears tell me the difference, not my eyes. I can't explain why anymore than I can explain why a power cord can make a difference, or tubes sound better to me than solid state.

I'm sure that someone can probably come up with some techno-marketing buzz words that may help you understand why, but in the end, all the proof you should need is in the listening. Trust your own ears.
"Trust your own ears."

No doubt that is the main key, but I also find that most things that really matter in good sound can be explained at least in theory. WHether the theory is then supported by the facts during listening or not is another story.

That's how science works without in fact ever 100% proving anything. Without theory or hypotheses at a minimum, there can be no roadmap for making informed decisions. Chaos would rule. Chaos is not a very efficient mechanism for getting anywhere. :^)
Try Mytek 192 DAC-Preamp which is mostly DAC.
It's the best volume control I've ever used. It combines advantages of passive and active amplification. If your amp is sensitive, you can adjust gain to unity to have maximum transparency. You can also boost it to have better dynamics and bass control.
Prior to that I used DIY passive pre, Classe, Bryston and McCormack preamplification. In all cases I liked minimal preamplification gain figuring that minimalistic preamp is just as good as passive but better.
I need Almarg to chirp in and offer up his usual well informed and no nonsense assessment this time about good passive versus good active pre-amps!

Tortuga is one line that has caught my eye recently. LEt's use that as a test case for comparison perhaps.

Almarg, where are you?