Any thoughts on removing a preamp from your system

Hello guys

This is my first post and I have been on Audiogon for a number of years now.

My question to the group is, have any of you removed your preamp completely from your system? Run your front ends straight to your amp? And, what benefits have you noticed, if any.

And finally, if you have used a passive preamp in your system, what are your thoughts on the setup?

I understand one would need to have some sort of "pot" in the signal path to regulate volume.

Hi George,
Tube tops have 470k ohm input impedance; ss bottom has a 50k input impedance. Passive pre is a Canary CA-200. Thanks.
Stewie hi, you have no problems as far a I can see with these impedances.

Interconnect capacitance is the more important factor to you as you are bi-amped.
From the Carnary to your amps, because you are (bi-amped) and using two x interconnects per channel, I would use interconnects of 2mts or less, and of less than <50pf (picofarad) capacitance per ft. If only using 1mt lengths, then 100pf per ft is fine. This is so you will maintain proper high frequency extension.
Any decent interconect maufacturer should know this and should have it on their specs

Cheers George
I was preampless for years and recently added a preamp and am in heaven. I was under the impression the preamp was like adding "steroids" but it was more like adding vitamins.
Wow - this is good stuff.

Based on your comments I connected my VPI Classic TT thru my Fosgate Phono amp directly into my Audio Mirror mono blocks. The blocks have two RCA connectors with a toggle switch between the two. Up until now, I had no idea why the builder of these amps included two RCA connectors. The amps have a pot on the front for setting the gain I assume, so it appears I can run a source directly into the mono blocks.

It sounds wonderful for now, I just have to switch the toggle to the Fosgate source cables when I want to listen to my VPI table.

I am running my 5.5 VTL preamp into the other RCA inputs. I feed a Pathos InTheGroove phono amp and Marantz SACD player into the preamp.

The Pathos Phono is fed by a Miyajima Mono Cartridge for my second TT, a Nottingham Space Deck. I am using balanced interconnects between the Pathos and preamp with good results. I have a low level hum, but I am told that is common for the cartridge.

Anyway, if I don't add anymore source components, I believe I can live with this setup for now. I don't know if the maker of the Audio Mirrors intended his amps to be used in this fashion, but I like the sound with the direct feed. I was thinking a passive preamp would allow me to get rid of my VTL, but based on your comments I think I will hang on to it.
