Wow - this is good stuff.
Based on your comments I connected my VPI Classic TT thru my Fosgate Phono amp directly into my Audio Mirror mono blocks. The blocks have two RCA connectors with a toggle switch between the two. Up until now, I had no idea why the builder of these amps included two RCA connectors. The amps have a pot on the front for setting the gain I assume, so it appears I can run a source directly into the mono blocks.
It sounds wonderful for now, I just have to switch the toggle to the Fosgate source cables when I want to listen to my VPI table.
I am running my 5.5 VTL preamp into the other RCA inputs. I feed a Pathos InTheGroove phono amp and Marantz SACD player into the preamp.
The Pathos Phono is fed by a Miyajima Mono Cartridge for my second TT, a Nottingham Space Deck. I am using balanced interconnects between the Pathos and preamp with good results. I have a low level hum, but I am told that is common for the cartridge.
Anyway, if I don't add anymore source components, I believe I can live with this setup for now. I don't know if the maker of the Audio Mirrors intended his amps to be used in this fashion, but I like the sound with the direct feed. I was thinking a passive preamp would allow me to get rid of my VTL, but based on your comments I think I will hang on to it.