High End Audio-Gaining Higher Ground?

This is a spin off from a meeting held by audio designers where the primary discussion was about high-end audio and how to get the younger generation interested & involved in high-end audio. One of the speakers mentioned that his son was not the least bit interested in his rig and if something was to happen to him, his son stated it all would be put up for sale on Ebay.

I thought it would be interesting to put this discussion forth to this audio community and to get opinions on the above subject. Are audiophiles a dying breed and what could rekindle this hobby for all new generations.
The generally accepted number of child deaths worldwide due to starvation/malnutrition is 3.1 million. An astounding number, but substantially less than the 3.65 million used elsewhere in this thread. That's assuming all starvation deaths are attributable to financial food speculation which is a highly dubious assumption.

The worldwide number of people who are starving has declined by approximately 15% over the past two decades. And yes, in some desolate part of the world the cost of your new state of the art power cord would feed an entire village for a year.
No economy will ever substitute for charity, when needed.

Two different things I think, both needed.

I would tend to think a better global economy would help provide a better means to reduce hunger in many places.

It will never substitute for charities that address humanitarian issues not solved otherwise. There will always be those.

Its an imperfect world. We all know that.

Its always an interesting philosophical question about where ones money is best spent. Giving to others in need is globally recognized as a best practice I think. Its something I think even most credible religions agree on.
Here's an idea.

Audiogon should start a charity. IT could be funded by audiophiles with money to burn buying expensive audio gear. THe charity would help them find less expensive solutions for high quality sound, and donate the money saved to charity.

That would be a great thing for all, no?
"Minorl, sugar is sweet to an infant as to an adult. Bitterness requires a learning curve."

Okayyy, I absolutely have no idea what this means or what it has to do with the subject. But, maybe I missed something. was/is someone bitter?

The current crop of high end manufactures sell to an ever decreasing crowd of old fools.
This is such a load of BS. I went to the Newport Beach Audio show three times and there were a flood of people there in their 20s and 30s…..far far more than the old grandpas in their 50s and 60s like myself. And many many presenters of systems were younger too. So there clearly is an interest by the younger crowd of likely high-educated and thus more able to afford the systems.