What to do?

I have had the luxury of living with a large dedicated listening room for the last 20+ years. I have Acoustat speakers (2+2's, 3's, 4's, and 1+1's) driven by Sanders Magteck power amp. My wife and I have decided to "downsize" and my new room size is 15' X 12' a far cry from 20' X 24'. Realizing I need to sell the Sanders amp and the all the Acoustat's my question is what will work in a 15' X 12' room? Thanks in advance........Bob
Before changing any equipment try what you have in the new room. The new room could work wonderfully.
+1 Start with the smallest speakers and work your way up. You may be pleasantly surprised.
I downsized to a similar sized room, and there was no way my four-piece full-range system could fit in the room. I'm very happy with Nola Micro Grands now, they work very well in my 15x12 room. I agree with Onhwy61 and Xti16, though, try the various Acoustats first in your new room to see if they can work. Also, experiment with long and short wall placement for the speakers, if possible.
or even diagonal placement. There are wayyyy to many suggestions and all anyone of us is going to share with you is what we personally own. We don't have your ears. Are you close to a dealer or two? If so, that's where you start. Let them tell you what goes best in that size room and what they like together workign as a system. Too big a decision to leave to us IMHO, lol.
Same issue here. Had to sell Acoustat Model III's, after a costly divorce and downsize to a much smaller room. I was actively bi-amping the panels with a pair of transmission line woofers, built just for them. Still using the woofers, but- with a modded pair of Magnepans. You can probably get away with using the 1+1's. One nice thing about narrow dispersion speakers: less sidewall issues. If you can make it a dedicated listening room, kill any echo, from the wall behind the listening position. I installed treatments, from two feet from the floor, to my ceiling and LENRDs, in the corners. Auralex makes some great treatments, for the purpose: (http://www.amazon.com/Auralex-Acoustic-Absorption-Charcoal-8-count/dp/B0002G10QU) (http://www.amazon.com/Auralex-Studiofoam-Acoustic-Absorption-Charcoal/dp/B0002D05KA/ref=pd_cp_MI_0) There are now less expensive knock-offs, on eBay: (http://www.ebay.com/itm/12-Pack-of-2-x-12-x-12-Charcoal-Acoustic-Studio-Foam-Wedge-Tiles-/121375790877?pt=US_Acoustical_Treatments&hash=item1c428f971d) (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Soundproofing-Foam-Acoustic-Bass-Absorbers-Traps-SP8-/321457224077?pt=US_Other_Pro_Audio&hash=item4ad857f98d) (http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_trksid=p2055119.m570.l1313.TR9.TRC1.A0.H0.Xacoustic+foam&_nkw=acoustic+foam&_sacat=0&_from=R40)
I have a pair f magtechs and sanders 10d in a 12 x 16 room and am in heaven. Remember - room treatments can make a room bigger.