Hendrix blues

I just played a copy of Jimi Hendrix greatest hits and I had forgotten how much I like Hendrix. I'm normally a jazz fan. What caught my ear most were the cuts which were more "bluesey" like "Hey Joe" and "Red House". Can anyone suggest a Hendrix album which is more, or all blues?
In the November issue of Tower Records' free mag Pulse there was an article wherein various artists reflected on their relationship to Hendrix. Buddy Guy said Hendrix used to come to see him play but Guy neither mentioned nor implied any collaboration. He did however take lopsided credit for some kind of permanent musical influence on Hendrix. Guy's arrogance gave me the blues.

A coupla Labor Day's ago, Buddy MILES played a pool party at a private home in Dallas. Following a few songs on the drums, he closed the set with his own electric guitar work. It was awesome in its tonality and intensity, hypnotic too, and asserted a unique personality of its own to the universe. Take a lesson Mr. Guy.
As I said above Rockvirgo, if Jimi did play with Buddy Guy, that would be news to me. I will wait and see what Cpdunn99 comes up with - you never know, anything might be possible - but your citation would certainly seem to put a bit of a damper on the idea.
STOP PICKING ON MR. GUY! He's my main man. Jimi had numerous musical influences (Otis Rush, Guitar Slim, Curtis Mayfield, Hubert Sumlin, etc.), but it's very clear, at least to my ears, that Buddy Guy was one of them. In turn, Hendrix then influenced Guy's later playing. Although primarily know for his electric guitar work, Buddy is particularly engaging on acoustic guitar. Check out "Buddy & the Junoirs", an album he made with Junoir Wells (harmonica) and Junoir Mance (piano) or Muddy Water's "Folk Singer". As a live performer Guy is something of a crowd pleaser. He has a tendency to go for over the top flash. At its worst its superficial, but at its best it will get you on your feet and put a smile on your face.

One last point, Buddy is also a superb blues vocalist.
I'm a fan of both Mance and Wells, but hadn't known of this collaboration, which sounds very exciting - is Guy's work on that album acoustic? I tend to agree with you in a sense, that BG may be at his best as a sideman.

I have read about the Hendrix/Guy connection and am damned if I can remember where. Rolling Stone? Or maybe it was in a "Sweet Tea" review in the Chicago Tribune. I'm going to ask Greg Kot (Tribune) about this, because I did not make it up. If it proves to be unsubstantiated, then I'll publicly offer a mea culpa.