Best 300B SET

Looking for 300B SET (one output tube per channel) to pair with Shindo masseto pre amp. How would you compare Wavac EC300B, Shindo WE300B, Yamamoto A-09S and Verdier 300B?

What is your take on the best cost no object 300B SET?
Charles1: I agree, the AirTight is hard to move away from. It's very dynamic - for a low-powered SET, and that's a hard-to-get-quality in such an amp - but I've always thought that it lacked a certain low-level nuance in the mids, some subtle harmonic complexity...[and which, I assume, is explained by the richness of the Mullard ECC83s, f91, goal post getters, that I have in my line and phono stages...]. I'm quite sure that it's not the Tamura transformers, so I assume its a designer bias...then again, maybe I'm just remembering what it sounded like years ago before I started working on it, because the GL B749s really made it come to life...then again, why should someone have to "work" on something if it possesses a given quality innately?

I've looked for an end-point speaker for five years now and am captivated by the LMs (formerly Quad US63s and ESP Concert Grands)....

OK, just realized that I'm WAY OFF thread - but, ya know, its hard to find anyone who knows the LMs...

OK, Edoit, if you must know. Cut to the quick: so, if you just can't quite choke down a pair of Shindo 300B Limiteds (with a loaded in pair of engraved base WE300Bs off of ebay at $7K), then you should maybe get a hold of Aldo via Deja Vu Audio and scrape up some WE171 output transformers and WE618B input transformers and beg him to do some magic with them...and if that doesn't work, maybe you should get a hold of Jeffrey Jackson at Experience Audio and see what he could cook up for you...

Ah, the dream of the dreamers...
I own the LM755i's for over two years now and can wholeheartedly recommend them. I have a Shindo Masseto and Cortese that work wonderfully with them, but I also run my trusty old pair of Canary Audio CA-339's though them and they are fantastic, as well. Don't hesitate to hunt down a Canary amp. Build quality and sound are fantastic. Tremendously underrrated amp. They are push/pull 300B's, but I would dare anyone to tell me the difference. One caveat: the Canary's don't work perfectly with a Shindo pre since they have a lot of gain and no way to adjust for gain on the amps. The Shindo pre's (of which I used to own the Aurieges-L and now own the Masseto) don't get to get their volume knobs out of first gear with the Canaries.
The LM 755i's need to be heard to be fully appreciated. Music just makes sense through them.
Consider the TRON Discovery if you have deep pockets, or maybe the new TRON Atlantic, which is more modestly priced.
Given the talent and track record of Ken Shindo I'd expect that amplifier to be wonderful sounding. With the other excellent choices mentioned here I find it very difficult to deem anyone of them "the top choice". How did/would you reach such a determination? Edoit how did the Shindo WE 300b sound to you in relation to other 300b SETs?