Cary 805 vs 211 amp

I have the Cary SLP-05 preamp. Looking to get an amp. Powering perhaps the BW 800 diamonds... 90db/1watt/1meter sensitivity.

Listen high 80db usually.

Btw, what's the overall reliability of a tube amp?
I like your taste in amplifiers but ageee with the comments above. That
speaker isn't the best choice for those amps. That speaker was most
probably meant to be driven by high current type transistor amplification.
Guys - what do you think of Pass XA amps with B&W? The XA amps I've heard are quite tube like - especially the XA.5 series.

The Pass xa point 5 series will work with B&W speakers quite well. I have seen and heard this combo a couple of times with excellent results.
IMO, the Cary 805 is an excellent amp (I've owned mine for a decade+) and it can easily drive semi-difficult speakers like my Verity P/Es. However, I'd agree that the B&W's load looks like SET amps need not apply.