Your most disappointing purchase or audition?

I've had a few.

bought a Naim Nait 3. Loved it in the store. Returned it within a week- way forward at home

Brought home some CJ preamp to audition perhaps 22 years ago. Noisy as anything and a turn off transient destroyed a tweeter (though years later i bought a CJ 17LS2 which I thought was the finest preamp I ever heard in my home)

Auditioned a VPI table (HW19) in a store- the store just could not get the belt to stay on. Bought a Rega instead. This was in perhaps 1990.

Fortunately, I never really experienced buyers remorse say 6 months or more after settling on a piece of gear.

Finally, there have been too many speakers that got stellar write ups which I just didn't care for.
Tboooe, there is no excuse for such depraved personal remarks toward
another member, unless of course you are suggesting Charles1dad is
exempt from Audiogon's Terms of Use?
It would be best if you kept comments from that train wreck of a thread quarantined to that thread, so as not to sully another persons thread.

You ALL should be embarrassed.
I saw the quoted post as a stated opinion, and as far as violating Audiogon standards is concerned, I have read, and been the object of posts which make that one look like a milk fed puppy.
I don't think that Audiogon moderators looked upon it as being a very serious breach either, as his subsequent comments are being posted promptly.
@Acman, am I missing something? You're saying it's ok for Charles1dad to post lies about his and others participation in that thread, then advise other members who participated in that thread (including the member who reported the offending post) to post a rebuttal in the original thread. And members will connect the dots how?.... Then you stand on your soap box and advise "ALL" participants to "be embarrassed". Yuh.

@Roxy, glad to see you condone such comments. That sais a lot about your character.

If the post you referenced above by charles1dad is something you find offensive, you should probably find something else to do other than read and post in open forums. Your skin is way too thin and your feelings way too fragile.
