Your most disappointing purchase or audition?

I've had a few.

bought a Naim Nait 3. Loved it in the store. Returned it within a week- way forward at home

Brought home some CJ preamp to audition perhaps 22 years ago. Noisy as anything and a turn off transient destroyed a tweeter (though years later i bought a CJ 17LS2 which I thought was the finest preamp I ever heard in my home)

Auditioned a VPI table (HW19) in a store- the store just could not get the belt to stay on. Bought a Rega instead. This was in perhaps 1990.

Fortunately, I never really experienced buyers remorse say 6 months or more after settling on a piece of gear.

Finally, there have been too many speakers that got stellar write ups which I just didn't care for.
Of course, no product is going to suit everyone when it comes to sound and/or system compatibility, so I make no claims that way. However, one thing that I do feel is true is the reliability and support that Atma Sphere provides in their product.

Two things to potentially consider in regard to the issue at hand:
1) Atma Sphere used to offer their amps in kit form. Obviously, once someone undertakes their own build, all bets are off. At that point, the final result reflects the builder as much or more than the actual product or company providing said product.

However, as that time was both very long ago and very recent, I would guess this pair of amps didn't come via the kit route

2) A lot of people over the years have modified their Atma Sphere amplifiers. Again, using the kit rationale, at that point, what comes out of that now more aligns with the person performing the upgrade, as opposed to what they started with, or the company who manufactured the product.

I'm not saying one of these two scenarios explains what happened, but they are two possible explanations to add into the mix.
I know that Atmasphere isn't a large corporation, but wouldn't they keep records of things like this, or isn't there a serial number that Tubes108 could provide that would clarify age etc?
At this point, Tubes108 seems to have bowed out of the conversation, and I guess I don't blame him.
All I am going to say is that I have followed this discussion from the beginning. I now have two more names to add to my list of people I won't buy from or sell to, and their names aren't Ralph or Charles.
Browns, it's kind of anal running a black list, isn't it? Anyhow looking at your system, I doubt you could afford to buy any gear from those members anyway and vice versa, I doubt those members would want to buy any of your gear apropos of which I might check out the classified section..
How you can look at a perfect stranger's audio system and even remotely extrapolate their personal financial capabilities is beyond me. In my opinion this isn't just an inaccurate and misguided approach, it's incredibly rude and arrogantly presumptuous. To judge an audio system based on monetary outlay is not only wrong but reveals much ignorance.

Brownsfan has written some of the most thoughtful and intelligent posts on this site over the years. Through his numerous contributions on audiogon it's very clear and obvious he loves music and expresses his appreciation in a most articulate manner. Reading his posts I'd venture to say that his system's sound quality mirrors this very high level as well.This is more than I can say for your often pugnacious comments posted on this enjoyable (usually) forum.