What would you upgrade?

Hello, fellow audio enthusiasts. I'd like to get some opinions on what your next move would be if you had the following gear:

Signal Path:

MacBook Pro > DacMagic Plus > Dared Sl2000a or Bravo Audio Ocean v2 > Peachtree Decco 65 (pre mode) > Emotiva UPA-200 > Focal SW800 Sub > Focal 807VW or Totem Rainmakers

Clearly a lot of room for improvement here. Where would you start and what would be the reason?

Nothing is untouchable except the MacBook Pro.

Like the idea of towers/monoblocks.

$5000 budget for upgrades.

Thank you for any suggestions you can provide!
I wish I had $5K going nuclear in my pocket.

I think your first step is to figure out a direction to head. You seem to want more extension to both ends of the spectrum, if I understand correctly, and more clarity/incisiveness of each note.

I'm with Sabai in that your Rainmakers are limiting. I've heard them and liked them for what they were (inexpensive small speakers). They initially sound much bigger than they are, with a nice full sound, until you realize that they're exaggerating the mid-bass because they have essentially no bass extension, and the top end is a little closed in.

I haven't head the Focal, but if you like the Totem sound, here is my suggestion:

Speakers: Totem Hawks (consider also the Forest)
(Alternative: PSB Stratus Silver or Silver i)
Integrated Amp: Plinius 8200

You can find both of these used pretty easily and well under your price range. I think this will definitely help you achieve what you're looking for, although the comment above about your source material is a valid one. I would stick with your DAC Magic for now and only look to upgrading if if/when you get better quality sources (CD quality or better). I think the Plinius has a phono input, so you wouldn't necessarily need a stand-alone phono preamp for your turntable.

Sell the Rainmakers, Peachtree, and Emotiva. You will be MUCH happier with the sound.

Thank you all for the responses!

BCgator, I agree on the source material not being of the finest quality, no doubt about it. I thinks that's why I'm looking for a setup that is a little more forgiving then what I currently have.

The DirectSteam DAC looks really nice, but the focus seems to be on CD's and DSD. I do not own any CD's, only a vinyl collection that's been collecting dust for about 10 years. Have not really looked hard at DSD yet because I can not find much content that I would enjoy listening too. Truthfully I have not looked that hard because I do not have a DSD capable DAC.

Regarding a turntable, I'd like to stay somewhere in the neighborhood of $500 assuming the amp/pre I end up with has a phono stage. If not, I would probably budget around $700.

I'm starting to think that selling off my entire amp/speaker setup and reinvesting might be the way to go, not to mention it would increase my budget to around 8k. That changes things a bit.

Michael, regarding the Totem Hawks, I plan to listen to them tomorrow at a shop in New Jersey. They seem to be on AG on a regular basis at good prices. I feel good about the Rainmakers regarding Jazz but nothing else, really. Are the Hawks that different that they'll be able to cover more types of music comfortably? I plan to research the Plinous tonight. Any other recommendations for a full ranger that covers rock/jazz/electronic well? Starting with the speaker and working backwards would seem to make the most sense.

Thank you all again for taking the time. Regardless of how long it takes or where it ends up, I'll report back once the dust settles.
Agreed, noromance. Scratch the turntable all together. If I'm heavily investing in dead formats I might as well go out an buy a SACD player.

Which reminds me..

Any OPPO owners in this thread? I've read amazing things about its capabilities as a DAC and could kill 2 birds with one stone using it for bluray as well. Any users with any of the tube modified ones?
I must agree with Noromance. Quality of a system begins at the source. If my budget for a turntable, arm and cartridge is $700, then I would budget no more than $1000-1500 on amplification to include phonostage. Probably about the same for speakers. I would then spend the rest at record stores. I believe you could put together a fine sounding system for under half your $8000 total budget. If I had to spend $8000, I would cons ider turntables in the $2000 range. Spotify is great for background music, and finding new artists when not spinning records.