Suggestions? Tubed linestage pre-amp??

Budget <$3500. Would prefer new but not ruling out newer used. Do not need a phono stage or DAC, so linestage (tubed not ss) - but don't want passive...need some gain.

Just starting to put together a short list. Looking to upgrade the Consonance Reference 50 pre I'm using. Hoping to find dealers allowing in-home audition or money back trial period.

On the list so far:
Doge 8 SCR
Eastern Electric Minimax
PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium

Checked past threads to see if this might have been covered. Couldn't find it. If there's something relatively current I missed, do please point me to it.

Thanks in advance for your help.
The Calypso is less than half the list price of the Callisto, and is your price range used. I think there is one listed now for $2,400. No relationship with buyer, but I own one, like it, and think it is a great performer, especially at the used price.

And when you get down to it all of this stuff is a bunch of expensive toys ;-)
Thanks again to all, especially Matt. Plenty of options to consider. We do like
our toys, especially the good sounding bargains.
The best pre-amp I have ever owned was a CJ 17LS2. You should easily be able to find one in your price range.