Suggestions? Tubed linestage pre-amp??

Budget <$3500. Would prefer new but not ruling out newer used. Do not need a phono stage or DAC, so linestage (tubed not ss) - but don't want passive...need some gain.

Just starting to put together a short list. Looking to upgrade the Consonance Reference 50 pre I'm using. Hoping to find dealers allowing in-home audition or money back trial period.

On the list so far:
Doge 8 SCR
Eastern Electric Minimax
PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium

Checked past threads to see if this might have been covered. Couldn't find it. If there's something relatively current I missed, do please point me to it.

Thanks in advance for your help.
Ghost, you don't need to change your budget, but if you can deploy more cash on a temporary basis you could probably buy both a used CJ ET-3 and Aesthetix Calypso, then sell off the one you like least in your system. You might have some shipping cost to absorb, but you get an inexpensive home trial.
If you get lucky, a used Shindo Auriges L might come up. Just be sure it will match with your amp impedence wise.
Thanks J and Truemaineiac - duly noted.

Anyone have experience with a Granite Audio 770-R?