Suggestions? Tubed linestage pre-amp??

Budget <$3500. Would prefer new but not ruling out newer used. Do not need a phono stage or DAC, so linestage (tubed not ss) - but don't want passive...need some gain.

Just starting to put together a short list. Looking to upgrade the Consonance Reference 50 pre I'm using. Hoping to find dealers allowing in-home audition or money back trial period.

On the list so far:
Doge 8 SCR
Eastern Electric Minimax
PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium

Checked past threads to see if this might have been covered. Couldn't find it. If there's something relatively current I missed, do please point me to it.

Thanks in advance for your help.
The Modwright LS-100 is an exceptional PA, and falls within your budget new. There is a used one, in sliver, listed on AC, it is not mine nor do I know the seller.
If you can stretch a little I would suggest the Herron VTSP-3A. It would appear to meet your criteria and is an exceptional product. I moved through a number of line stages over the past several years and the Herron is by far the best--it ended my search. I wrote a lengthy review on this site which describes what I love about it which you can search for or click the link to it on the Herron site. Quiet, musically literate, sensible features, amazing build quality, even handed and neutral--just gets out of the way and lets you enjoy the music. Keith Herron offers incredible support for his customers and does have a trial purchase option if you have no local dealer. I've owned a few of the line stages suggested on this thread--in my system the Herron was vastly superior.
Lamm LL2 Deluxe, the older version, which is the same internally as the newer more expensive LL2.1 version, except the newer version has a 15dB gain reduction feature, if needed. Should be available used in the $2,800 TO $3,200 range. Extremely reliable and well-built. Very musical.
Lots of good choices mentioned so far. The DeHavilland Ultraverve's not been mentioned however. It's probably gotten more positive professional reviews than any other tubed line stage at this price point.