"Holographic" presentation

Please tell me how two mono amps are said to give a more
holographic presentation than a single stereo amp. I have
had both in my system and cannot say that I have noticed
this characteristic.
Damn, I used to own a CJ 17LS2. I guess I should have read the manual.

There was that pass through feature I never tried, but I thought it was a home theater feature.
Gous....who said that.....if the mono amps and stereo amp has equal ability, they both are fine.
Yeah, Wolfie, I can't thank you enough for selling me your 'special' amp. I had to quit my job in order to dedicate appropriate time to all the serious comparison sessions I was compelled to hold... A/B, A/C, AD; B/C, B/D, B/E, etc. But this alphabet soup has been well worth it. Yessssss!