I would add the Vitus SIA-025 class A integrated. These lovely integrateds rarely appear on A'gon for sale, and are quickly snapped up for good reason. The SIA-025 is a true balanced, dual mono, 25 Watt class A amp which uses an efficient Vitus-designed UI-core potted "floating" transformer with separate windings for the left & right channels. The preamplifier stage is made from one single "buffer" module which is also used in the SL-102.. so .. really good, whilst the output stage is drawn from the SM-010 mono amps. The Vitus in every respect is the best integrated amp i've owned by a fair margin. Btw, the SIA-025 was updated in early Q1, 2012 which optimized multiple areas of the amp - but with most focus on the modules in both pre and power amp part. Basically it gives a bit more of everything - higher resolution, better power handling.