Bach's Mass in B Minor: What is best CD out there?

I would like to get the best sounding and performed version of this classic. I am interested in all opinions as to what that might be. Here are four that I know of: (1) Paul Shaw and Atlanta Symphony; (2) John Gardiner conducts; (3) Helmuth Rilling conducts; (4) Herman Scherchen and Vienna State Opera. All opinions and alternate recommendations are greatly appreciated!
Hogwood and Pinnock are the other 2 "authentic" recordings that just don't do anything for me. Tweekerman
Schreier/Leipzig takes the Gold. The Leipzig chorus is definetly better than the Herreweghe. Schreier's recording is pleasing in all areas. Now Sugarbrie's recommendation on Philpls label i did not like much. The one i prefered is on Berlin Classics 2123. Its a deferent orchestra and chorus. His recording of the Mozart Requiem on Philips I did not like that much either. Tweek
Thanks to everyone for your responses. I'm quite new to classical and therefore greatly apreciate all of your comments and recommendations. I think I'll request 2 or 3 from inter-library loan and then purchase the one thatI like best. Thanks again!
Steve H
It's funny because I sing in a professional choir. On pieces like this, I am more picky about how the chorus and soloists sound more than the orchestra. I think I will check out the Herreweghe also.
Sugarbie, the Herreweghe definetly has that "orginal intrrument" sound to it. Which i don't care for as well. And the chorus section is not even close to the Chorus performance in the Schreier/Leipzig recording. There are 2 Schreier/Leipzig recordings. Get the one i recommend up above.