What makes Telefunken tubes sound better?

I've reached the point in sampling 12AU7 tubes below $100 per tube where I'm having to buy tube crates to keep the pairs I've sampled. I've tried NOS and new, but out of all I end up back with Telefunkens as having the least distortion and fastest transient response. Yet the Telefunken internals are not the best materials/quality; NOS Mullard CV4003 or the new Gold Lions have higher build quality for materials and precision.

Are there links somewhere that talk to what is different for the internal design/construction of a Telefunken tube? I'd like to support newer tube manufacturers based on educated consumerism, and hope that we can get someone to replace Telefunken at an affordable cost before NOS stock is no longer an option.
Brownsfan, if only there were some good jobs by which the poor could rise into the middle class. After our recent financial collapse (due to criminal activities of the 1%), millions of young people with four-year degrees are living back at home. All is not well because of many variables, but in our system, there will always be winners and losers, there will always be, has always been, that bell curve, with at least 20% on the near slope--and rising. That's why our safety nets were created in the first place--there was a need at that time to keep the elderly out of poverty. We can all knock welfare for the undeserving poor, but don't go after SS. I've worked hard and have been proud to take care of those who took care of me. That's what makes a great society.
"There are VERY few humans born as "slackers" they become so by the alienation caused by lack of jobs often leading TO drug and alcohol abuse ."

Its a very competitive world these days no doubt. An extension of natural selection within humanity in a sense.

That top 1% are likely the most competitive and narcissstic. Some may be self made but many had an advantage down that road to start with. We are all products of our environment to some extent.

Some may also be quite charitable but not at the expense of their own wealth most likely.

Natural selection. It always has been, always will be. Its quite the dilemma with no way out.

Amazing that we are all still around even really. There is definitely some force at work that helps keep this big mess going.

I have a son in college looking at a career in diplomacy. He's studied German and Russian this year. If he ever goes to Germany, I am going to ask him to bring me some good quality TElefunken tubes and recordings back for good 'ol Dad.
Schubert, Germany is a prosperous and free country due to American generosity and ideals of trying to make the world a better place for everyone.

Germany has no such generosity or ideals but only thinks of enriching itself while America provides its security.

America could have let Stalin have Germany and you would be working in a labor camp, you would not have money to spend on audio gear and there would be no German culture. As a matter of fact, you would probably have been worked to death by now. How about those facts?

Your Telefunken tubes are good though.
(WW2) would not have occurred without Calvin Coolidge's decision to keep bleeding Germany to death
This is a very feeble attempt to absolve Germany as the sole cause of the European theater of WW2. WW2 would not have happened in Europe if not for the German expansionist, militaristic foreign policy. BTW, the half of deaths in the war occurred in the Asian/Pacific theater.

Mullard, Mazda, Amperex and RCA all made outstanding tubes. Preferences of one brand over another depends on individual tastes and the exact circuitry utilized.
TOmcy6 speaks the truth I suspect.

Of course, protecting Germany was/is in teh US's best interest, so its not like we did it out of the goodness of our hearts.