New Vandersteen oil cooled hybrid amplifiers

Heard Vandersteen liquid cooled amplifiers over the weekend. Richard Vandersteen introduced them himself at NY Audio Show. The Amps have built in oil pumps that pump oil around a solid copper block that the transistors are bolted to. The oil is then recirculated across large external heatsinks that transfer heat out into the room. The transistors are said to stay within +- 2% of optimal operating temperature range. 6H30 tube driving solid state output. Interesting design if not overkill at the low power levels being achieved. Anyone else see or hear these amps? Thoughts or feedback appreciated.
Sometimes I get the sense that these sites are designed to illustrate the worst of human nature; is this all just a study in sociology disguised as an audio site?
Rpeluso: Spot on!

A speaker manufacturer who starts making amplifiers tends to damage relations with amplifier manufacturers with whom they have worked in the past, hurting themselves. Time will tell, but I expect Vandersteen is aware of the risk. I wish him luck.
I know there's a lot of guys here that like to stir things up tongue in cheek but let me remind you Vandersteen has been in the amplifier business since 1982 with the powered 2WQ subs, The lower bass section of the Quattro, Five series and Seven as well.
This is no difference here except, instead of an amplified speaker, he has given the customer a choice. Any amplifier can still be used with the Model Seven.
If the customer listens to them and prefers the M7-HPA for less money he can go for it. Nothing has changed except for having one more option. The M7-HPA has power conditioning internally, very high quality pure silver speaker wire and acoustic isolation built in which is included for 52K
Its a lot of money but brings a lot to the table and the consumer will decide. Vandersteen is no fool and I am sure he gave this a lot of thought and it sure must have cost a lot to develop such a unique amplifier.
JohnnyR Vandy dealer.
Look what happened to Krell when they came out with speakers. Pure disaster
10-01-14: No_money
52k a pair, and they basically will only work with 5a or model 7.
I wonder if the limited application could potentially affect future resale value? What do you guys think?