is buying used Mcintosh equipment online bad idea?

was trying to build system like my college buddies had 35 years ago, and bought a MA-6200 that has static in one channel that the local dealer cannot isolate now. Fixed it once, but one loud listening session, and it started humming loudly, and the speaker overload lights came on. Turned it off and when I tried it again, the static was back in same channel but worse.

Tried to buy a used 2100 and bypass the power amp, but regardless of gain settings, the sound is distorted at anything above talking level volume with this amp. Changed out audio source, preamp, cables, speaker wires, and distortion remains. Returning it for refund. Have I done anything wrong in setting this up?

Live <2 hours from Austin, and may try taking the MA-6200 in to a vintage stereo shop there. I run a pair of Klipsch original Heresy that were late model, but are over 25 years old. Not a lot of heavy use on them, and have not tried swapping them out.

Is all this old McIntosh equipment probably in need of having a full test and update before buying them, or at least a listen to them? Just found this website, so I did not buy this stuff here.
I have bought many pieces of Mac here on the "Gon, and even Ebay. I have had absolutely no problems buying used, in fact I can't afford the obscene prices Mac gets for their new stuff, so I have to buy used. Being retired doesn't help either. I will tell you this, and others will probably agree, DON'T buy any of their DVD/CD/SACD players, unless you want lots of expensive problems. I speak from experience, and with old and newer models, i.e. the MVP-861.
I agree with Tonykay, buyer beware. Be sure and use Paypal, pay with a credit card, and you should be ok to get your money back if problems can't be worked out with the buyer.
I love Mac gear. However, any time you buy vintage Mac gear you should assume it needs work. Very old Mac gear can be expensive to recap, retube, etc...
On the good side, it holds its value well and is easy to resell. So if you like the Mac sound, GO FOR IT.
Tonykay, as an owner of a number of McIntosh pre amps, and amps I too have had a hum issue. I have found that the power supply is the culprit in most cases and was easily resolved with softer feet or isolating the vibration resonating from the cabinet.
Blackwbg, I would take caution on the older gear as many things deteriote over time regardless of manufacture. It is the nature of electronics, but if you can by with the option to return, by all means go for it. A good alternative, although more costly is as mentioned. I have never bought a bad piece lfrom them.
What a silly question. ANY vintage gear that has not been serviced or updated, Mac or any other manufacturer, electronics or speakers, may, and probably does, need some work. That's a surprise to you? Please, not another inane Mac bashing thread.
As Audio Classics is in Vestal, NY, I'm not surprised they do most of their business with Mac - which is headquartered in Binghampton, NY, about five minutes away.

If you like the Mac a lot, call up either Mac itself or Audio Classics and see what they say!