which preamp

thinking of buying a tube preamp,have it down to,
AUDIO HORIZONS balanced with full mods or TRL DUDE balanced I only play CDs with PS AUDIO new DSD , DSD direct to wyred4s SX1000 monos, dose anyone have these preamps and what are your opinions ? which way to go !!!!

I thought organic beef was grass-fed, not grain-fed. So you had best take another look at your cables and check on harmonics for antibiotics.

"10-15-14: Sabai

I am feeding it organic grain-fed beef. That's why the harmonics are superior.

Actually, I am using my own DIY cables in series with Shunyata."

As far as the grain goes, you can get further improvements using vintage, pre acid rain seeds, and grow them in a controlled environment.

With your cables running in series, do you just connect them randomly and see what sounds the best, or is there some type of strategy involved? The reason I ask is that I heard some cables that are a copper/silver alloy, and they don't sound like copper or silver. It was just a very interesting sound that I didn't expect. I was wondering if you can get the same type of sound running copper and silver cables in series, or is it the alloy that makes the difference.

Sometimes the Shunyata works best downstream and sometimes my DIY Furutech works best downstream. You need to reverse them to see which configuration sounds best.

The Furutech wire contains no silver. I am not aware if the Shunyatas contain silver. I think what makes this series work is that both cables are made from OCC copper that has been cryogenically treated. Why they create such an amazing sound together is a mystery to me. The Shunyatas sounded great before I decided to experiment with series cabling here. But since trying the series idea it is clear the harmonics of the Shunyatas fall short in my system. This may be a system dependent thing. As I mentioned earlier, my DIY cables do not work at all in series with my Elrods.

I have just introduced the PS Audio DS DAC into my system this week. I will be going back, cable by cable, to verify if the series still works as well as it did with my NAD M51 or if I need to make any changes.
I would find a used First Sound if you come acroos one in your travels.If not those are fine choices also,good luck,B