Coincident Dynamo vs. Decware SE34I.4

I recently started a thread about "The Greatest Bargain in SET Amps These Days." I am looking for a single ended amplifier to use with my Reference 3A De Capo speakers.
I think I have it pretty much narrowed down to either the Coincident Dynamo 34SE or the Decware SE34I.4. Different amps, different topologies, but very, very similar in price and specifications. I am eager to hear your thoughts about this choice. My speakers, by the way, are rated at 92 dB of efficiency. My room is fairly small, about 11' x 16' with an 8 foot ceiling.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Would probably boil down to features, size, aesthetics, etc. for me. Both are likely excellent. Maybe if I could a/b in my system I could choose the sound, but probably does not really matter as long as everything is set up (no pun intended) well.
Understandable question. The reason I started a fresh thread is because there has been so much "topic drift" on that original thread that I didn't let my question to get lost in the shuffle. (People are currently talking about their retirement plans and their favorite classical musicÂ…" ;-)
I sure do wish that you would get both and compare them here !!! Wink wink , lol .

Good luck and let us know how it turns out for you .

Happy Tunes
I understand now. That happens a lot in the forums, especially on threads that have been around for a long time.
Good luck with your choice. Being familiar with Coincident's great speakes, and believing that Israel Blume is pretty briliant, I would personally probably go with the Dynamo.
Good Luck!
Hi Rebbi,
Admittedly that thread did "drift" a bit but in fairness you got multiple responses and very informed commentary and comparisons of amplifiers as well. After a while there's just so much that can be said without inevitable redundancy setting in. I believe that you've reached the point pass written feedback and now it's time to do some listening.
Best of luck,