How did I do on this Amp?

Hey guys, just chiming in to see how fair a deal I got on this amp (probably should have checked here first, but seems they good deals go as soon as they pop up for sale). I bought a Mark Levinson 332 with the caps replaced a year and a half ago. Paid $2k for it.
Sounds like a decent deal at minimum if in good operating condition. Check the blue book info for a few $$s more and know for sure.
@Shakeydeal: I am wondering what you mean by "lifeless sounding" - are you saying that it doesn't flavor the music? By all I've read they reportedly do a pretty decent job at recreating the original sound of recordings without flavoring them.

@No-money: Glad to hear that, man. I am using it to power a pair of ML ReQuests that I got with a Logos Center.