New or Used Amplifier

I put together my Krell 20i CD player, YBA 2 Pre & amp with Genesis V speakers in the mid 90s’ and am still very happy with it so I kept away from the equipment shops.

Now adding HT so I will need 2 more amp along with misc equipment. I know major advances have been made in amplifiers in the past 20 years, but if you had around $3,000 to invest in an amplifier would you buy new or used?
Are you suggesting I replace YBA2 with Modwright KWA150 or are you suggesting using Modwright KWA150 for front left/right and YBA for Center?

Have you heard Modwright KWA150 with Genesis V or assuming level of synergy based upon your knowledge.

I have not looked at equipment in over 20+ years, is the Modwright that big a step up from YBA2.
I've bought used cables from Europe with no hassles as long as it's on their local used audio sites or a reputable feedback dealer on EBay.
I would not buy squat out of Asia particularly China or Singapore -full stop.

U Pay the shipping, U pay the duty and local taxes if it applies , Unpay the small brokerage fee if there is duty .... using Fedex or like is one stop shopping and easy single pmt on the credit card .... Easy and good to go.

We live in a global arena in this hobby.
10-29-14: Joe11554
Are you suggesting I replace YBA2 with Modwright KWA150 or are you suggesting using Modwright KWA150 for front left/right and YBA for Center?

Have you heard Modwright KWA150 with Genesis V or assuming level of synergy based upon your knowledge.

I have not looked at equipment in over 20+ years, is the Modwright that big a step up
Joel, for 2 channel audio the Modwright KWA-150 would be a BIG upgrade from your current YBA amp & have plenty of power and control. It also has excellent build quality & looks beautiful imho.

If you're running a center channel, you could use your YBA amp as the center channel is less critical, or you could look around for a 5 channel amp like a 2nd hand Classe CA-5200 which is the same ballpark price-wise. Then you could run a 5 channel setup off the one amp & leave your processor just for processing duties.

I haven't heard the KWA-150 with the Gen V's, but I have heard the Gen 5's separately and am familiar with their sound. The original 5's were designed by Arnie Nudell and used slightly updated Emit-R tweeters. I had Emit-R's in my previous Infinity Reference 60's so i'm familiar with those drivers. The Emit-R's can sound a bit hot & like a warm, slightly forgiving amp that can match them for speed. I recall Arnie and John Ulrick voiced their speakers with ARC tube amps, but the Modwright offers the best of both worlds; power and tube-like warmth/midrange bloom.