New or Used Amplifier

I put together my Krell 20i CD player, YBA 2 Pre & amp with Genesis V speakers in the mid 90s’ and am still very happy with it so I kept away from the equipment shops.

Now adding HT so I will need 2 more amp along with misc equipment. I know major advances have been made in amplifiers in the past 20 years, but if you had around $3,000 to invest in an amplifier would you buy new or used?
10-29-14: Joe11554
Are you suggesting I replace YBA2 with Modwright KWA150 or are you suggesting using Modwright KWA150 for front left/right and YBA for Center?

Have you heard Modwright KWA150 with Genesis V or assuming level of synergy based upon your knowledge.

I have not looked at equipment in over 20+ years, is the Modwright that big a step up
Joel, for 2 channel audio the Modwright KWA-150 would be a BIG upgrade from your current YBA amp & have plenty of power and control. It also has excellent build quality & looks beautiful imho.

If you're running a center channel, you could use your YBA amp as the center channel is less critical, or you could look around for a 5 channel amp like a 2nd hand Classe CA-5200 which is the same ballpark price-wise. Then you could run a 5 channel setup off the one amp & leave your processor just for processing duties.

I haven't heard the KWA-150 with the Gen V's, but I have heard the Gen 5's separately and am familiar with their sound. The original 5's were designed by Arnie Nudell and used slightly updated Emit-R tweeters. I had Emit-R's in my previous Infinity Reference 60's so i'm familiar with those drivers. The Emit-R's can sound a bit hot & like a warm, slightly forgiving amp that can match them for speed. I recall Arnie and John Ulrick voiced their speakers with ARC tube amps, but the Modwright offers the best of both worlds; power and tube-like warmth/midrange bloom.
Although I am using all Genesis Advanced Technologies Speakers ( V and surround sound) I would be afraid the tonal difference between two manufacturers of amplifier would be somewhat obvious. I assume it could be a distraction and you may lose the harmony within the system. From your experience, would these two amplifiers play well together?

Although an older amp, the YBA 2 always seemed to be a very musical amplifier to my ears. Are today amplifiers that much better than older quality equipment?
No Response ?
1) Should L/R Main and Center/Rear amplifiers be from the same manufacturer for tonality/harmony.
2) Would YBA2 (center/Rear) and Modwright (L/R main) sound well together?
3) Are todays amplifiers that much better than older YBA 2 quality amplifiers?

I am new to surround sound, so does anyone know where I can get information (setup/equipment/ect) on what is involved in combining surround sound without compromising 2 channel sound.