RIP Panny Plasmas

Just saw a report on CNBC that Panasonic is planning on exiting the plasma business by March 2014. Can't say I'm overly surprised but still a bummer. Hope the others aren't following suit soon.
"Does Fujitsu still produce plasma?"

Fujitsu was one of the first companies to leave the plasma market, in 2005, years before Pioneer and then Panasonic decided to leave. They're currently producing products related to the computer market.
As far as I know, they have no plans to re-enter the video display market but I wish they would.

Pulled the trigger on a Panasonic Plasma 55VT60 the other day, should arrive on Saturday. Very tired of watching the 2" blue line on the Samsung for the past few months.
Hopefully this one will bring better longevity, and why yes, I do have the Pangea cord to hook it up with ;-).
What is it with females and their apparent love affair with Pangea PCs? Are they stiffer than other PCs?
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Need a little help with the connection of my Oppo Blu Ray player to the panasonic plasma. Hooked everything up the same way as with the Samsung TV but with the smart TV we get sound through a Nad integrated amp and speakers when using the TV and the DVR and Direct TV. When we put in a blu ray there is no sound through the speakers, nor is there sound through the apps on the TV.

Do I need to be using an optical digital cable here, the only other input on the back of the TV, to the Blu ray or to the NAD? Or in reading up on this, I am wondering if my older HDMI cables don't have ARC and that is why I don't have speaker sound through the blu ray and I need new HDMI 1.4 with ARC?

Suggestions appreciated!
Audiowoman: Sounds like you're on the right track with the HDMI 1.4 VS 1.3.
Make sure your receiver has the new standard as well.