Oppo 105 in place of pre/pro

Can I use the Oppo in place of my pre/pro for H/T ? I would use my current 2 channel setup for music .

Thank You
I think you can. It has the 8 analog outlets that you would need. As long as you can adjust the volume for each channel individually, I don't see why not. Have you checked the owners manual? It should tell you.
Certainly, you can. It has all the facilities for a very basic HT system. However, you should read the user manual for the specifics of that application: http://download.oppodigital.com/BDP105/BDP-105_USER_MANUAL_English_v1.8.pdf
I tried using my 103. The sound was ok however, the added gain and better switching from a pre amp helped a lot. I still use the analogue outputs from the 103 and video through HDMI. The internal source switching on the Oppo is not as easy as with my Emotiva. Also, the volume on the Emotiva is much more responsive and seems to sound better than the digital volume from the Oppo.
Try it and see for yourself...
Right. I was not recommending this use, merely saying that it was possible. Its major advantage is cost and that applies to 103 and 105 (and 103D and 105D).