Oppo BDP-105 vs Mcintosh MVP-891

Anyone had the chance to compare these players?
Slnn3r,Hands down the OPPO-105 will crush the McIntosh for Sound quality and you can even have it Modded for Tube output for around $2,000 from Modwright. The Oppo 105 uses the same Saber Dac chipset that is in the McIntosh CD300 ($6,000). I trust you will use the XLR audio outs of the Oppo...Very nice.Enough said.
I'm expecting my ModWright-modded Oppo 105 today, weather permitting. The stock unit was the first SACD player I had (after 3 Sony and 2 earlier Oppo units) that sounded as good -- but no better -- on CDs as my Raysonic 128, so I figured it might be worth the mod. The basic mod costs $2450 BTW. Dealing with ModWright has been a complete pleasure so far.

Interesting! I have a Raysonic 128 too and I like it a lot. I have wondered about upgrading my current Oppo 83 and getting the Oppo 105. I am interested to hear about your evaluation of the ModWright Oppo 105 vs. the Raysonic.