Audio hookups

I have an older Yamaha RX-V1400 AV receiver, using with a Sony Blu-Ray player and a Sony HD TV. Since the Yamaha has no HDMI in or out, I have the BRP connected directly to the TV with an HDMI cable, getting video but no sound. I can't remember how I connected the sound cables from the BRP thru the Yamaha and then out to the TV. I'm using HDMI 1 input on the TV, just need to get the sound connected. Help!

It would be helpful to list the model numbers of the BRP and HDTV.

Initial thought is that with HDMI directly to the TV from the BRP, TV speakers should work unless TV speakers are turned off in the TV's menu. The TV should have a digital audio out, so this could be connected to a digital input on the RX-V1400.
You can just connect the optical or coax digital audio connection on your Blu Ray to the 1400 and leave it at that. There is no reason to connect the audio to the TV. Set the Blu Ray to decode the new lossless codecs to LPCM, since the 1400 does not decode the new codecs.

Your cable box audio should also connect directly the the 1400 with a digital audio connection if you want the TV sound to play through your home theater setup. If you want to also be able to use the TV with its own speakers, e.g. for watching news, you should get that from just the HDMI cable from the cable box to the TV.

Personally, I just use my receiver (also an old 1400) for all the sound.
Dtc,I am running into the same problem trying to hook up a new sony 3d player for my sister.She wants to be able to listen to audio cd's ,there is only a single coax digital input to the DVD player or an optical,her receiver does not have an optical option.Her ancient receiver has a right and left input that use to handle the old DVD/CD.I went into the sony menu and it is set to auto for everything and I could not find the LPCM it had only the PCM option.Any ideas,none of this may work out but any ideas would be appreciated.thanks.