Where to buy metal grills for custom cabinet door?

Good morning.

I am moving into a new condo and am building a semi-custom cabinet setup for my audio equipment. I'll be buying some used normal cabinets, removing the doors and building the new ones. I would like to use the metal grate-style doors that allow heat exchange but still hide most of the inside.

Any ideas about how I can DIY these doors, ie, where can I buy the metal grate style inserts? (think "Salamander" equipment doors, but a lot cheaper. For a specific example, google "salamander style 221.").

Any and all help is much appreciated.
Here is one source
Check out some return air grills for hvac equipment. They come in lots of styles and sizes.
Thanks for the advice so far.

The Rockler site has some options, but they are very pricey and I am looking for something with finer holes so that what is behind the grills is less visible (wife factor).

anyone else?