((I heard both the Treo + Quattro, the cabling was all Transparent))
Jafant I agree with what you heard.
Transparent cables offers a softer sound and are at their best with a brighter type tweeter.
With a Vandersteen a more neutral cable like an AudioQust would do the trick.
((Regarding the Quattro, I have read that its cross-over can be pretty problematic in any room- meaning- it must be set-up correctly by Richard's specs))
Jafant, Just the opposite,
Once you read the crossover set up protocol in owners manual,all one needs is vandersteen set up disc, a voltmeter,and you can be confident its done correctly.
Then room compensation offering a smoother in room bass response, which allows them to work well in most any room, in many positions, including 4 inches out from a wall.
This alone may even solve the problem with the spouse acceptance factor.
JohnnyR Vandersteen dealer