How long do B&W 800 series speakers last


I am curious to know the average life of these high end speakers particularly B&W800 series. Does the surround/ cone material give up with time due to material fatigue, dust and air corrosion etc
Does the SQ degrade.

I assume they last for like 20-30 yrs given the resale prices. I see prices dip to only 50% in 15yrs. Even less for N805's

I am sure 6-7 yrs use is very normal But what about 10-14 yr old nautilus ?
Or how about an matrix 805 treated like a baby for 20 yrs.
They still play, but they do not have the stiffness of the speakerunits like wenn they were new.
Refoaming will undoubtedly need to be done, but if you are happy with that 30 even 40 years.

Just a couple of issues though. First speaker technology is a fast moving area and speakers I thought were the bees knees 20 years ago are now rather ho hum. So its unlikely you would not get the urge to upgrade after hearing better stuff.

Second, and this applies to any speaker, if you want to keep a speaker that long make sure its exactly what you want which means extensive auditioning. B&W speakers have a tendency to polarize - some love em, others like me go - ho hum.

@ 68Pete and Rx8man
Rx8man – something happened to your last post ? anyway

I almost acquired a pair of 800 matrix this past spring but was not able to make the drive to get them plus the room was not ready to hold them.
I hope to add a pair (cull a few others...) later this year or early 2014.